The Octopus Fan Club dashboard explained.
Learn how to navigate your Fan Club dashboard and make the most of your savings!
The Octopus Fan Club brings local wind power to communities across the UK - with tens of thousands more interested in getting a Fan Club near them.
We've made a dashboard exclusively to help Fan Club members get to grips with their very own turbine and maximise their Fan Club membership.
Members can track their live discounts, wind speeds, turbine power output and rotor speed. On top of this, forecast data allows members to plan ahead and shift their energy consumption to when it's cheapest and greenest.
Let's take a deep dive into the Octopus Fan Club dashboard...
Estimated Live Discount & Turbine Status

One of the first things you'll notice on the Fan Club dashboard is the Estimated Live Discount and Turbine Status section. This is your quick glance station to give you all the information you'll need then and there. Log in to your Octopus Energy account and enter your Fan Club dashboard to see what your live discount is immediately. This is great if you're already at home and are able to shift your energy consumption in the moment.
Turbine Status gives you a little more information on the turbine power output & rotor speed, as well as the wind speed. Fan Club discounts are based solely on turbine power output - so this is probably the most important part of your turbine status. This section should hopefully give you a sense of ownership over your very own 'Fan'.
Discount Thresholds

Your 'Discount Thresholds' section is your go-to for understanding when your discounts kick in.
The thresholds listed above are specific to our Fan Club No.1. Each Fan Club has its own unique thresholds, so be sure to check your personal dashboard for the details that apply to you.
This section makes it super easy to see if your 'Fan' is spinning close to earning you a 20% or even 50% discount. Almost at 50% off? Keep an eye on the dashboard and get that washing ready...
Your Bill Savings

Your bill savings graph will show you exactly what your discounts were throughout the course of the day. This is great for a retrospective look and to get an idea of previously available discounts. It's also helpful to see how your discounts can vary significantly, up to every half an hour.
You can also hover over different points in the graph to look at a specific half hourly periods.
How often does 'Your bill savings' graph update?Pretty regularly (usually around every 30 minutes!), but you'll need to manually refresh this yourselves to get the most up to date information. For 'live' discounts you still need to use the 'Estimated live discount' section.
Upcoming 48h Forecast
The upcoming 48hr forecast section will help you to become a Fan Club pro!
The Fan Club is all about behavioural change and allowing members to shift their energy consumption to when it's cheapest and greenest. Forecast data allows you to do just that.

The 48hr forecast allows you to plan your usage in advance and maximise your discounts.
We've created the discount chart above for a simple look at your discount predictions. This will give you the same information as the graph below, but without the 'possibility' section. This is great to use alongside the graph, but also if you just prefer something quick and easy to look at.
Broken down into hourly sections for each day, you can easily spot when it's best to make a Fan Club saving. 0% is shown in purple, 20% in light blue and 50% in pink. You can also use the toggle bar to drag those predictions further into the future.

The graph displays our predictions for turbine power output and discounts. We have a solid green line to demonstrate 'our best guess' at what the discounts will be as well as a shaded green area to let you know what else is possible.
You can also hover over specific times on the graph to get an in depth forecast.
Why are you only able to give us 'your best guess'?Unfortunately, we can't predict the weather with 100% certainty. Our best guess is enough to get planning your energy use, but be mindful that these predictions are not set in stone and do not guarantee you a discount at a set time.
Ever heard the saying, they 'change their mind like the wind'? Our turbines really do!

And that's it! A complete run down of your Octopus Fan Club dashboard. Log in to your Fan Club dashboard now to start maximising your savings!
As Fan Club members, you are some of the UK’s very first customers to benefit from cheaper energy when it’s windy from your local wind turbine. In the future, we want to see millions of people getting cheaper power this way.
Want to know more about the Octopus Fan Club? Check out our page & register your interest here.
You can also email us directly at